Towards Stockholm+50: Vietnam joins efforts for healthy planet
Vietnam will contribute to the global efforts by a report which brings in a diversity of voices to shape a key message at the Stockholm+50 conference this year.

12:58, 2022/03/18
Peace Village: South Korea-supported model protects Vietnamese from multiple risks
More than 10,000 people in some of Vietnam’s most affected areas by wartime legacies will benefit from the US$33-million project in 2022-2026.

21:54, 2022/03/11
Climate adaptation eats up 70% of Vietnam climate budget in 2016-2020
Vietnam poured approximately US$6.5 billion into activities adjusting to actual or expected future climate during 2016-2020

21:03, 2022/02/28
UNDP partners with Vietnam towards goal of poverty eradication
The Vietnamese Government will strengthen bilateral/multilateral cooperation with international partners to realize multidimensional, inclusive, and sustainable poverty reduction.

22:29, 2022/02/25
Vietnam seeks int’l lessons for inclusive economic rebound
Vietnam said it’s time to re-evaluate threats and strengthen international economic cooperation and linkage for a more inclusive and sustainable recovery.

05:09, 2022/02/17
UN agencies promote disability inclusion in Vietnam
The joint project will back Vietnam in fulfilling UN rights of persons with disabilities.

13:48, 2021/10/23
Partnership promotes energy efficiency in commercial buildings in Vietnam
The project is designed to address barriers to improved energy efficiency performance and gradually realize the untapped potential of energy savings from buildings.

05:56, 2021/10/07
Vietnam's circular economy: right path and promising
Vietnam’s specified action plan and international support would push up its transition towards a low-carbon journey.

16:37, 2021/09/27
Solutions for Vietnam to claim spot among world’s top economic prospects
The speed of economic recovery would largely depend on the scale of the vaccination program, although testing remains a key solution to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

17:59, 2021/06/02
Vietnam attends Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum
The annual regional forum has urged a renewed commitment from business and governments to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the global development goals.