Vietnam youth submits climate action for COP26
Vietnamese young representatives address bottlenecks that are incorporated into a roadmap for COP26.

18:07, 2021/05/26
Vietnam’s pandemic response – example of “Triple A” Governance: UNDP
Vietnam shows what is possible when a government and an entire nation place health and protecting people at the very center of its Covid-19 response.

19:34, 2021/05/23
Vietnam’s general election through perspectives of foreign scholars
The scholars have said that the manner in which election is held in Vietnam, especially the discipline practiced during the process, is praiseworthy.

08:54, 2021/05/20
Female delegates make significant contribution for growth: Findings
All public decision-making—from socio-political issues to labor relations and economic activity—must apply a gender lens to ensure that the specific needs and expectations of women and men.

20:29, 2021/05/01
UNDP helps 26,000 flood-hit people overcome hardship
The support is a years-long project helping improve climate resilience in Vietnam’s coastal communities.

09:54, 2021/04/25
Vietnamese enterprises to advance responsible business practice
The level of awareness of Vietnamese small enterprises on responsible business practice is lower than that of large ones, according to a latest survey.

09:58, 2021/04/15
E-government key to improve Hanoi public satisfaction on governance: Expert
Every teacher, public servant, or healthcare staff has to adapt to high quality administrative services.

15:27, 2021/04/14
Citizen engagement makes Covid-19 fight successful in Vietnam: PAPI
Improving governance will prove extremely useful in managing other unexpected emergency situations in Vietnam, said Australia’s Ambassador to Vietnam Robyn Mudie.

18:04, 2021/04/02
Green Chemistry: A must-do practicality for Vietnam’s sustainable growth
Green Chemistry training must be promoted at universities and fully applied in production.

06:32, 2021/03/31
Urban resilience – Key measure enables Vietnam to maintain development gains
Most of hazard-prone cities are unprepared for the urban resilience.