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Hanoi promotes women's role in safe agri-food trade
Thanh Thanh 21:59, 2024/07/19
The city will focus on strengthening enforcement of food safety regulations in food production and trade facilities.

The Hanoi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Hanoi Women's Union are encouraging union members to increase marketing, use digital technology in production, and sell agricultural products through e-commerce platforms.

Deputy Director of the Municipal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Dinh Hoa delivered his statement at the workshop "Promoting the role of women's unions in propagating, linking safe agricultural and food production and business in Hanoi" on July 16 in Hanoi.

 Delegates visit booths displaying OCOP products and safe food at the event. Photos: Thinh An

He added that the two sides will raise awareness among female members about the importance of food safety, change behavior, and ensure food safety practices in food production, business, and consumption.

"We will focus on strengthening the enforcement of food safety regulations in food production and trade facilities, and promote the role of socio-political organizations together with regulatory agencies in ensuring food safety for the health of the community and sustainable agricultural development," Hoa emphasized.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) has instructed its subordinate units to intensify inspections for the detection, prevention and timely handling of violations.

In the first six months of 2024, the department conducted 73 inspections of agricultural, forestry, and fishery production and business facilities, found 10 violations, and imposed administrative fines of VND417 million (US$16,400).

Delegates at the session discussed regulations on food safety and agricultural product quality, production chain and regional integration policies, the role of women in policy advice and awareness raising, and strategies to promote safe food and product traceability.

 Pham Thi Thanh Huong, Standing Vice President of the Hanoi Women's Union, speaks at the event.

Speaking at the event, Pham Thi Thanh Huong, Standing Vice Chairwoman of the Hanoi Women's Union, said Hanoi currently has about 30 shopping malls, 130 supermarkets, 455 wet markets, over 2,500 convenience stores, 1,414 safe fruit shops, 159 production and consumption chains for agricultural, forestry and fishery products, and 56 showrooms for OCOP (One Commune One Product) program products.

She added that there is now an urgent need to produce and trade safe food and agricultural products to enhance the value of agricultural products and protect human health. 

"Mindful of the key role of women in the production, trade and consumption of agricultural products, the Hanoi Women's Union has proactively and actively disseminated regulations on the production and trade of quality and safe agricultural and food products in recent years," she said.

The Union has also been working closely with DARD to support women in the application of technology, digital transformation in production, branding and facilitating the sale of agricultural products through e-commerce, according to the Standing Vice Chairwoman.

The Women's Union at various levels in the city has also intensified its coordination and monitoring activities to ensure compliance with food safety regulations by establishments and households involved in food processing and trade in the city. The Union has also made recommendations to the relevant authorities in a timely manner to guide and remind these establishments to properly implement the regulations to ensure the safety of food products.

Ha Tien Nghi, Deputy Director of the DARD’s Hanoi Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Sub-Department, said the city has more than 13,700 agricultural, forestry and fishery production and business units, including more than 1,600 enterprises (of which about 40% are owned by women).

He added that diverse forms of information dissemination and communication on food safety policies and laws have been carried out. 

"The quality and food safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products has been extensively monitored, with a focus on high-risk products," he said.

In recent years, the Hanoi Women’s Union has made remarkable progress in promoting food safety through a series of impactful activities during Food Safety Action Month. This initiative highlights the importance of safe food practices while integrating various community efforts, including the campaign "Building the Family of 5 Without-s and 3 Clean-s". Additionally, it supports models like “the Family of 5 Without-s and 3 Clean-s” and the movement for "Unity in Building New-Style Rural Areas and Civilized Urban Areas”.

These campaigns address crucial aspects of community health, focusing on environmental sanitation and disease prevention in crops and livestock. By adopting a holistic approach, the Hanoi Women’s Union aims to improve the overall well-being of households and neighborhoods.

Since 2017, the Union has directed local branches to prioritize the establishment of more than 1,920 models promoting food safety across various industries. This initiative has engaged over 65,700 women involved in food production and trade. Furthermore, nearly 4,000 women have signed commitments to uphold food safety standards, reflecting a strong community resolve and dedication to health.

A standout initiative is the creation of "Civilized Safe Food Streets." These designated areas are designed to maintain high safety standards in food handling and sales. By establishing these streets, the Hanoi Women’s Union fosters a culture of accountability among vendors and consumers, encouraging them to prioritize safety in their food choices.

Local insiders emphasize that the multifaceted approach of the Hanoi Women’s Union not only enhances food safety but also empowers women within the community. By fostering active participation and instilling a culture of safety, these efforts significantly contribute to public health and improve the quality of life in the capital.

Through their unwavering dedication, the women of Hanoi are not merely advocating for safer food; they are paving the way for a healthier future for all residents. Their initiatives serve as a model for community engagement, showcasing the critical role that women play in fostering a safe and sustainable food environment.

As the city continues to evolve, the contributions of the Women’s Union will remain vital in the ongoing pursuit of food safety and public health excellence. The collective efforts of these women inspire hope and set a benchmark for communities across the nation, proving that when women lead, everyone benefits.

TAG: Hanoi food safety Vietnam news OCOP
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