When reporters recently visited the physical therapy center at the clinic, they met two foreigners, one from the UK and another from France.
The acupuncturist there said Tho Xuan Duong has received many foreign patients over many years. Some of them suffered diseases that could not be cured with western medicine, but they became better after receiving therapy at the clinic. A French man, after his disease was treated, settled in Vietnam and married a Vietnamese woman.
Phung Tuan Giang, the owner of Tho Xuan Duong, said many diseases can be treated at the clinic. Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases of patients there. Some thousands of people have been cured of epilepsy over the last years. Patients suffering sinusitis, asthma and cancer also come there to ask for help.
In a talk with reporters, Giang spoke about scleroderma, a chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterised by hardening (sclero) of the skin (derma).
It is estimated that about 20 million Chinese people suffer from this disease and they cannot be treated well in China. Meanwhile, Tho Xuan Duong has successfully treated hundreds of Chinese patients for the problem.
Duong said he could also cure patients suffering from Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a recessive X-linked form of muscular dystrophy which results in muscle degeneration and eventual death. The disease mostly affects children and there are no specific drugs for the disease.
Duong said Tho Xuan Duong has been succeeding in treating cancer with a therapy called “Ky Mon Y Phap”.
The remedy is based on 64 Vietnamese traditional herbs. Doctors will consider the effect of every kind of herb for patients, depending on their health conditions and the disease development period.
Duong said that medicinal herbs do not contain toxicity, but are rich in flavonoids and do not cause side effects.
However, it is not easy to treat diseases with Ky Mon Y Phap. Doctors have to use medicinal herbs in accordance with different strategy plans, depending on many factors, while there is no common therapy for all patients.
The principle of the therapy is to help patients increase their resistance to eliminate unwanted cells from their bodies. The tumors inside patients’ bodies, therefore, will stop developing and patients can recover.
In treating cancer, Giang and his colleagues have used supporting treatment measures and medicinal herbs, including Ngoc Linh Ginseng, or Panax Vietnamensis.