The “Swedish green technology” seminar held by Swedish Environmental Technologies for Vietnam (SETECH), the Swedish Embassy in Vietnam and the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) is a forum linking businesses from two countries.
ISPONRE Vice Director Vu Trung Thang, said green technology often referred to as environmentally friendly technology is used and developed in order to protect environment and natural resources.
The seminar and follow-up activities will help Vietnam fulfil its second goal in the green growth strategy aimed at applying and developing advanced technology to utilize natural resources effectively, reduce gas emission and cope with climate change.
Swedish green technologies are also being exhibited at the International Exhibition on Environment and Energy Technology (Entech Hanoi 2014) from May 21-23.
Sweden is the largest European user of renewable energy and its leading fashion retailer H&M is a pioneer in using organic cotton.
Sweden is one of top five global green and clean technology developers, including Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the UK and Israel. It is also proud of having two “sustainable development city” projects – Tomorrow in Malmo and Hammarby Waterfront in Stockholm.