The Hanoi Times - The 4th Security World 2009 Conference and Showcase titled “Secure your organization in an insecure era” will be held in Hanoi and co-organized by General Department of Technology - Ministry of Public Security (MoPS), Vietnam Computer Emergency Response (VNCERT) – Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) and International Data Group (IDG Vietnam).
Featuring this theme, the event will mention the hottest issues of information security in economic downturn era. In a volatile economy, enterprises are facing higher security threats, from cyber crime attacks to theft of valuable corporate information. The vital question for organizations is how to establish an effective information security strategy which ensures business continuity within tightened budgets.
Information Security facts in
According to MoPS (E15), numerous security vulnerabilities exist in
Mr. Nguyen Tu Quang, Director of Bkis commented that: “After two silent years, IT crimes have come back, there have been instances of attacks such as P.A Vietnam company domain theft, Techcombank website hacking, DDos attack,…Last year, the outbreak of virus was regarded as a remarkable concern in Vietnam as malicious code booms on daily basis. Apart from the proliferation of viruses, the applied technology for virus production and malware distribution has been growing rampantly”.
Bkis research released that virus strain soared 5 times higher against 2007, several tens websites have been attacked each month. 40 cases related to hi-tech crimes which incurred loss of 30 thousands million VND (10 times in comparison to damage in 2007).
Security World 2009 Conference and Showcase
This is an annual event which aims to seek solutions and technology for public security demand and national requirement in security fields such as: networking security, data protection, surveillance system, hi-tech crime prevention...
The event comes up with critical issues in National Information
Security World 2009 will be held in the context of IT budget cuts included security spending due to the pressure of an economic downturn. Hence, the event will focus on awareness improvement, practices exchange and solutions introduction aim to establish effective security strategy for IT and telecommunication system of institutes and enterprises in turmoil economy.
According to Ministry of Public Security, in the first quarter of this year, 42 websites have been attacked via security vulnerabilities. Among them, there were many websites register, domain. Therefore, taking place in second day, the session will concentrate on two growing concerns in
Together with the main conference, Security World 2009 also showcases the latest software systems, tools, equipment and solutions on Anti-Virus/Spam/Spyware, Data Management and Storage, Security Compliance Control, Web Security Appliances, Surveillance and Identity Management …Vendors and exhibitors will be from noted international vendors: Symantec, IBM, CE Infosys, Checkpoint (Misoft).