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New strategies needed to attract and retain talents
Sophie Maysonnave 11:02, 2024/05/21
New strategies to attract and retain talented human resources are required to compete more effectively.

In our competitive world, concepts of competition, attractiveness, talent, and human resources lie at the core of new recruitment processes, raising thousands of questions that companies and institutions seek answers to: How do we identify, recruit, and keep rare gems? How do we define attractiveness in an ever-changing and increasingly competitive environment? 

New constraints and global competition compel companies to excel and rethink their old recruitment strategies. As a result, new strategies to attract and retain talented human resources are required to compete more effectively and several key steps must be highlighted. 

Sophie Maysonnave, Counsellor for Cultural Cooperation and Activities, shares the French experience in human resources development with The Hanoi Times.

 Sophie Maysonnave, Counselor for Cultural Cooperation and Activities, Director of the French Institute in Vietnam. Photos: IFV

The first and most important step is to understand and recognize the competition in which the institution is engaged. Understanding the competitors and their objectives is the cornerstone of the analysis and strategies to be developed.

The second step is to analyze the target audience, in this case, the future human resources, and their expectations.

For decades, factors such as salary and peer recognition have dominated the work-to-profit ratio. However, new elements have emerged in the recruiting landscape: personal well-being as evidenced by a healthy work-life balance, institutional quality, and a stimulating professional environment.

Overall, the recruitment phase must be attractive and meet specific expectations. Additionally, the recruitment function should evolve by restructuring the recruitment process, training those involved in, establishing and managing a talent pool, enhancing skills sourcing, and improving communication about the institution. Once these aspects have been considered and mastered by the strategy makers, a secondary reflection on the long-term goals of the institution is required. 

Thinking about recruitment strategy also means thinking about the institution's development goals. As the world evolves, so do the professions of the future. To meet the challenges posed by technological advances, institutions need to attract profiles capable of meeting future demands. Undoubtedly, digital and technical professions are abundant today, and the training of the future elite begins now. 

 Vietnamese students learn about study opportunities in France. 

In summary, these strategies could be defined as the modern principle of attractiveness, which represents a multifaceted interaction in which individuals seek benefits within an institution that align with their aspirations and interests, while the institution seeks to optimize recruitment to meet its goals. Beyond the theoretical approach developed above, these innovative strategies have myriad applications, including academic competition and talent acquisition. Attracting talent is no longer just the domain of corporations; recruiting talent is also a prerogative of universities. 

Tomorrow's human resources are currently being trained, and providing them with world-class higher education is essential. Therefore, in line with the aforementioned strategies, we would like to highlight the case of France and the strategies of its institutions to promote French higher education worldwide, particularly in Vietnam.

France and its diplomatic mission have 12 operators that promote its influence worldwide. Among them, Campus France promotes French higher education and France as a study destination. As a service of the French Embassy in Vietnam, Campus France Vietnam plays an important and active role in enriching the Vietnamese talent pool. 

As we reflect on how to best meet the challenges of tomorrow, we would like to emphasize that Campus France meets the expectations of talented people. Recognized as a country of scientific excellence, France boasts 73 Nobel Prize winners, including 17 in physics and 4 in economics. Additionally, 15 Fields Medal laureates from French research laboratories, including one of your fellow Vietnamese: Ngo Bao Chau, prize-winner in 2010, illustrate France's vast potential for scientific success. 

A welcoming and supportive environment for international students that allows them to reach their full potential and focus solely on their studies and success is worth mentioning. Amenities such as sports facilities, affordable university dining, cultural activities, and financial support contribute to the personal well-being of students. France is proud to offer a warm welcome to students on its campuses, and the Eiffel and France Excellence scholarships awarded by the French government reinforce this commitment. Each year, 60 Vietnamese students benefit from this full funding for their master's or doctoral studies.

 France has implemented an effective communication strategy through support of Campus France and the French Institute. 

Communication is a key issue in disseminating information, especially to non-French speaking audiences. France has put in place an effective communication strategy. With the support of Campus France and the French Institute, French initiatives and information are disseminated in Vietnamese, English, and French through the Campus France Vietnam website, Facebook page, and Zalo group. Promotional events such as the annual "Bienvenue en France" fair, information sessions at universities and high schools, and a forum departure held every summer enhance outreach efforts. 

In addition to Campus France Vietnam's promotional activities, the France Alumni Vietnam (FAV) network, launched in 2015 and composed of 6,200 members, serves as an important vehicle for French influence. As valued ambassadors of French higher education and culture, the alumni community frequently gathers at networking events to share experiences and inspire future students. Alumni success stories, highlighted at events such as "Alumni Day: Women of Science," underscore French scientific excellence and the opportunities available to students.

Therefore, the key to the success of the French recruitment process is to support and inspire students. France is the 7th most popular destination for Vietnamese students, with 1,200 students choosing to study in France every year. More than 7,000 students are currently studying in France.

However, strategies to enhance France's attractiveness and recruit talent go beyond Campus France Vietnam and studying in France. The French government is committed to bringing French excellence to Vietnam for the benefit of all Vietnamese students.

Other avenues, such as joint programs, outsourced training programs, and university exchanges, promote French-style education and increase opportunities for university mobility. In 2024, nearly 40 overseas programs in Vietnam, including several in law with the University of Bordeaux Montaigne or Panthéon Assas, contribute to the attractiveness of France within university networks.

The role of the Franco-Vietnamese campuses, which epitomize the excellence of university cooperation between the two countries, deserves recognition. Institutions such as the Franco-Vietnamese Center of Management (CFVG) business school (founded in 1992), the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (USTH - 2009), and the Program for Training Engineers of Excellence in Vietnam (PFIEV - 1999) attract and train Vietnam's future elite in digital, business and engineering professions.

These Franco-Vietnamese campuses offer high-quality courses, recognized and accredited to European standards (HCERES and CTI - engineering accreditation), and benefit from the expertise of French professors. CFVG, PFIEV, and USTH offer undeniable advantages and opportunities in a competitive higher education environment.

What every student should keep in mind is that these programs are eligible for French higher education scholarships. For example, in 2024, 10 France Excellence Scholarship winners pursued their higher education in USTH programs. In addition, their lives are transformed as they receive a quality education, acquire new language skills, and most importantly, secure promising positions after graduation.

Indeed, Vietnam's talent pool is intricately linked to France and its university excellence.

TAG: Hanoi news Vietnam news French Institute Human resources opinion
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