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Hanoi and Fujian eye future cooperation
Huy Anh - Thinh An 14:23, 2024/09/19
The two localities expect to tighten their ties and boost socio-economic growth.

Hanoi values its extensive and substantial cooperation with Chinese localities, including Fujian Province, said Pham Qui Tien, Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Council, on September 18.

 Pham Qui Tien, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People's Council (right), meeting with Chen Dong, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People's Congress. Photo: The Hanoi Times

In a meeting with a delegation from the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People's Congress, led by Vice Chairman Chen Dong, Tien said that increased delegation exchanges between the two sides will create favorable opportunities for concrete and practical cooperation activities in the future.

He suggested that both sides promote exchanges and delegation visits at all levels and forms, and continue to share experiences on socio-economic growth.

Hanoi and Fujian should further expand cooperation in various fields, especially people-to-people exchanges, to lay a solid social foundation for the development of bilateral ties, Tien said.

Vice Chairman Tien pledged that Hanoi would welcome and create favorable conditions for Chinese companies and enterprises to invest in Vietnam, either through new ventures or business expansion.

He noted that Hanoi is particularly interested in digital transformation, green growth, renewable energy, circular economy and environmental protection.

Chen Dong, for his part, said he looks forward to establishing a local-to-local partnership between Hanoi and Fujian.

He agreed with Vice Chairman Tien's suggestions and said relations between Fujian and Vietnamese localities, including Hanoi, would flourish.

Fujian excels in various fields, such as ecological conservation, water resource management, and environmental protection, he added.

 Vice Chairman Tien (right) presents a gift to the Chinese official. Photo: The Hanoi Times

According to Vice Chairman Tien, Vietnam and China are close neighbors with many similarities in political systems, development paths, and cultural and social characteristics.

He appreciated the valuable support and assistance the two nations have provided each other in the past for national independence and socio-economic development.

Tien noted that cooperation between localities in the two countries continues to enjoy favorable conditions, with both sides committed to building a Vietnam-China community with a shared future.

This strategic partnership elevates bilateral relations to a new phase with deeper political trust and substantive cooperation, he said.

According to the Hanoi official, the city’s GRDP in 2023 was estimated to exceed US$54 billion in 2023. The capital welcomed more than four million international arrivals, of which Chinese tourists accounted for 8%.

He informed the Chinese guest that the Vietnamese National Assembly passed the amended Capital Law in late June, which provides Hanoi with special mechanisms and policies that distinguish it from other localities. In addition, Hanoi is working with relevant ministries to submit two master plans for its overall socio-economic and urban development to the Government and the National Assembly. 

TAG: Hanoi Fujian relations vietnam china relations Hanoi local-to-local relations
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