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The Ministry of Training &Education to clarify on the middle school entrance exam
Ngoc Thuy - Trung Anh 10:56, 2017/12/25
After 4 years of prohibiting the middle school entrance exam, the situation of extra classes in preliminary schools have significantly reduced. However, the Ministry of Training & Education has just announced the draft circular on regulation of middle school enrollment.
With regard to this issue, Director General of General Secondary Education Department of the Ministry of Training & Education Dr. Vu Dinh Chuan confirmed the draft document on modifying some clauses in the regulation of middle school enrollment in Circular No. 11/2014/TT-BGDDT dated April 18, 2014. As such, the recent released draft document regulates the middle school enrollment will be based on evaluation.

However, in case the number of students applying is higher than the accepted level, the Training & Education Department will instruct the enrollment process based on evaluation or mixed with examination to evaluate the students’ academic capabilities. “The Ministry of Training & Education issued document No. 1258 dated March 17, 2015 stressing that the middle school level is compulsory, so there will be no entrance exam. However, for schools with the number of applications is higher than the accepted level, there will be a specialized method for evaluation” – Chuan said.

With regard to this issue, the Deputy Director of the General Secondary Education Department Nguyen Xuan Thanh said, the Circular 11 on 2014 regulates the enrollment process for middle school is evaluation. However, there are some cases when the number of applications is higher than the accepted level, which causes difficulties for enrollment.

As of 2015, the Ministry of Training & Education has issued Document No. 1258 assigning Department of Training & Education dealing with the above mentioned situation to consider appropriate enrollment method to submit to competent authority for approval and implementation. ”We are in the process of reforming education in the direction of improving students’ potential. Evaluating students’ potential is different from academic level evaluation. As academic level is the “ingredients” to form potential. Therefore, potential evaluation is to evaluate the way students use knowledge gained from the studying process to solve specific issues” – Thanh said. 

According to Thanh, at present, we are aiming to improve 10 aspects of students, including: self study – independence; communication – cooperation; solving problems and creativity; mathematics; language; studying nature and social issues; technologies; IT; arts and physical exercises. Depending on each requirement of the school, students will be assessed appropriately.

For the examination and evaluation process, Thanh said there will be a return-effect to the teaching process. Teachers not only equip knowledge for students, but also to help them utilizing this knowledge to solve specific problems. For students in preliminary schools, teachers must help students to realize their potential from the first grade to 5th grade, as potential cannot be realized in a short period of time.
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