Unified national online public service portal needed, evaluation shows
The 2024 evaluation of 63 provincial e-service portals (PESPs) was jointly released on August 21 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam and the Institute for Policy Studies and Media Development (IPS).

22:13, 2024/05/24
International organizations continue mine action in Vietnam
The project funded by foreign organizations is a massive effort to get rid of more of the war left behind.

11:17, 2024/02/05
Less-emission production fuels Vietnam’s sustainable agriculture
The innovative approach enables Vietnamese farmers to produce high-quality products while contributing to the country’s green growth toward low-carbon pathways.

15:00, 2023/11/22
Mangroves: Precious resources of Vietnam in mitigating climate change
Mangrove forests play a critical role in climate adaptation in Vietnam as the country has a long coastline which is managed by 28 out of 63 cities and provinces.

10:50, 2023/10/20
Prejudices: Challenges to gender equality in Vietnam
Gender stereotypes have generated preconceptions when it comes to reporting on gender-related issues in Vietnam and changes should be made to improve the situation.

07:16, 2023/07/27
Vietnam supports global action against plastic waste
Vietnam has joined hands to make the Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution to address growing problems that threaten sustainability.

23:05, 2023/06/09
Research is typical to green hydrogen production in Vietnam
Green hydrogen is a promising kind of energy in Vietnam amid the pressing threat of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

17:57, 2023/04/20
Sustainable marine spatial planning matters to unlocking offshore wind potential
Vietnam is at a relatively early stage in the process of formulating both its coastal zone planning and sustainable management of resources document and its maritime spatial planning document.

20:26, 2022/08/02
UNDP intensifies mangrove afforestation in Vietnam
Mangroves and storm-resilient houses are proved to be the best choices against climate change for coastal areas in Vietnam in a five-year project starting in 2017, with support of UNDP and GCF.

09:43, 2022/07/29
Poverty reduction policies benefit additional 10% of Vietnamese population
Vietnam has embraced the approach of multi-dimensional poverty (MDP) measurement for strategic planning since the middle of the last decade.