About 60% of Vietnamese adults have bank account: Napas
The room for cashless payments in Vietnam is huge.
21:41, 2021/12/27
Integrating utilities into chip cards to attract Vietnamese users
A large number of magnetic-card holders in Vietnam have not seen many benefits from using chip cards so they refuse to make the replacement.
16:59, 2020/08/31
Covid-19 boosts cashless payments in Vietnam
Transaction values via smartphones increased by 177% in the first half of 2020.
14:45, 2020/08/12
Vietnamese consumers prefer using cashless payments
The total value of cashless transactions jumped six times in the first half this year against the same period of 2019.
14:50, 2020/06/04
Vietnamese shoppers prefer cashless payments
Transactions via mobile devices recorded a year-on-year surge of 198% in volume and 210% in value last year.