Australia’s support helps Vietnam promote sustainable agriculture
The Aus4Innovation Program is a ten-year (2018-2028) flagship program to strengthen Vietnam’s innovation system to support inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development.

09:50, 2022/06/27
Australia launches plastics innovation hub in Vietnam
The hub in Vietnam, together with global initiatives, is expected to help reduce 80% of plastic waste discharged into the environment by 2030.

21:58, 2021/05/20
Australia provides US$10.4 million for innovation in Vietnam
This is a valuable resource to help realize innovation initiatives in the transition period of the Aus4Innovation to 2022 and create more solid premises for the second phase of the program until 2035.

16:39, 2020/08/04
Australia helps Vietnam apply AI for post Covid-19 economic recovery
Innovation is one of the three key pillars in the Vietnam-Australia strategic partnership.