The movie, "A New Life in Vietnam" is based on a novel by Komatsu Miyuki, who currently works in radio for Voice of Vietnam, She wrote biography about her and her living child in Vietnam.
Vietnamese rice fields and villages
The movie shoot will take place in November, and is scheduled to be through post-production by December. The film crew includes director Kabuki Omori, producer Yutaka Otaka, screenwriter Uichiro Kitazato and Vietnamese director Tat Binh. Number 1 Filmstudio will also join the team.
According to the Japanese producers, most of the movie will be shot in Vietnam.
"I was one of the first to read the script, and I thought it a deep story about elderly people. Through the script, I could see the love for Vietnam through Japanese eyes," said Binh. He went on to say that he was surprised about the Japanese attitude towards Vietnam.
Director Kabuki Omori
The director Kabuki Omori said, "I've been working in the Japanese film industry for 30 years. I've travelled and made movies in many countries, and I'm happy and honoured to visit Vietnam. When I was young, I heard a lot about your country and its wars. I see now that you are still a strong and resilient country. I'm sure the movie will be a sort of common dialogue between the to two countries."
Screenwriter, Uichiro Kitazato, said that in order to imagine life in Vietnam, he had to read many historical and political books. However, everything remained blurry until he read five Vietnamese novels and realised that Japan and Vietnam have a lot in common.
The film is scheduled for release in 2014.