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HCM City vocational schools to be upgraded under strategy
VNS 15:56, 2013/10/16
As part of the national strategy on vocational training development, the HCM City authorities aim to improve facilities and teaching at 14 selected schools.

Under the strategy outlined under the General Department of Vocational Training, Vietnam would have 40 high-quality vocational schools by 2020.

Thirty majors offered at the schools would meet quality standards set by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Nguyen Ngoc Phi, Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, said that vocational training schools would pilot enrollment and training for eight majors in accordance with international standards.

They include the control and management of ships; food-processing engineering; hotel administration; and construction engineering.

In the current 2013-2014 school year, there are 12 major training programmes that meet international standards and four with ASEAN-level standards, according to Duong Duc Lan, head of the General Department of Vocational Training.

Graduates of these major fields will have recognised international or regional qualifications, Lan said.

Each school must enrol at least 50 students per year for each career track, and must have an assessment system of training quality recognised by UK-based City & Guilds, a world-leading vocational education organisation.

In addition, the schools are required to help at least 90 per cent of students find jobs three months after graduating.

Nguyen Dac Hien, head of the training division of one of the schools chosen to take part in the programme, Hung Vuong Technology Secondary School, said nine of its teachers had been sent to Korea and Thailand for further study.

The school also has modern machinery for student practice, Hien said.

Three majors, metal-cutting and sharpening, mechanics-electronics and mechanical maintenance, are being offered in accordance with ASEAN standards, he said.

Companies will sign agreements with the schools to provide students in these major programmes with jobs soon after graduation, he added.

This year, the HCM City Vocational Training College has three technical majors, including metal-cutting and sharpening, industrial-refrigeration electricity and industrial electricity. They all meet ASEAN standards.

Commenting on the national strategy, representatives of vocational training schools in the city said that curricula should be given priority. It focuses too much on theory and not practice, they said.
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