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Hanoi strives to finish early in the industrialization and modernization
By Nguyen Ngan 09:51, 2014/10/06
Contributed 12.6% of GDP, 8-10% of exports, 25-26% of capital development, 20.6% of national budget, the Capital`s economy deserves the first position and is driving force of economic development in the North and plays an important role for the country`s economy.
With its position as a leading center of economic and international transaction, Ha Noi aims to maintain economic stability, control inflation, coupled with accelerating growth and ensure economic development sustainability. 
Hanoi will implement urban development and new rural construction in a systematic way. Striving to become the leading locality and early finish 1 to 2 years in the industrialization and modernization, contributing to the successful implementation of the national goal to become an industrialized country towards modernization in 2020. 
Around this content, reporter of Vietnam News Agency had an interview with Mr. Nguyen The Thao, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Party Secretary, Chairman of the municipal People's Committee of Hanoi. 
- Hanoi has undergone a long journey of 60 years of construction and development, the Chairman may make an overall assessment of the economic achievements that highlight Hanoi has achieved in recent years? 
Mr. Nguyen The Thao: In recent years, Hanoi always thoroughly study and creates application of renewal of the Party and State. The City Party Committee proposed development advocates socio-economic reality in accordance with local, determined to reform the management and development of commodity economy many components, operating under the markets administered by the State under the socialist orientation. The resolutions of city policy increasingly come to life, stimulate synergy of forces, the economic sectors, potential to arouse people's intelligence. 
Hanoi economic growth is always quite high, economic structural shift towards positive, the service industry, construction industry, agriculture - forestry - fishery comprehensive development. In the period of 2011-2014, economic growth, Hanoi (GRDP) is estimated by 9.17% (at constant prices 2010) - this is the growth rate in the context of economic difficulties. In particular, the economic capital levels keep rising roughly 1.5 times the overall growth of the country. 
4 years from 2011 to 2014 budget revenue is estimated at 557,000 billion, ensuring the mission budget development and capital expenditures. Mobilizing social capital continues to increase, however, the growth rate slows down, average 2011-2014 period is estimated at 16.36% / year. In particular, there has been a restructuring of the investment in the right direction: the proportion of capital investment and the declining state of the private sector increases. 
In 2005, the share of investment from the state capital is 48.5%, the private sector was 36.3%, the 2011, this ratio was 28.3% and 53.6%; 2013 was 27.6% and 61.6%. city ​​to attract foreign investment is estimated at $ 5.1 billion (an average of 1,275 per year to attract billion). 
One corner of the West of Hanoi
One corner of the West of Hanoi

Until now, the city attracted 2,806 projects with a total registered capital of 21.1 valid billion investment with the participation of 65 countries and territories. In the field of exports for the period of 2011-2014, are also expected to reach 8.17% / year. 
With accounting for 7.84% of the population, the city of Hanoi contributed 12.6% of GDP, exports 8-10%, 25-26% capital development, 20.6% of revenue. Capital Economics deserved position as a leading and driving force of economic development in the North region and plays an increasingly important role for the country's economy. 
- Achievements in economic development is very clear, even in the field of social security, what assessment he has? 
Mr. Nguyen The Thao: In the context of economic difficulties, the city pays special attention to ensuring social security and poverty alleviation. City actively implementing programs related to social security issues such as the national target program on employment; Plan "Vocational training for rural labor Hanoi 2020"; Development proposal, the labor market in 2020; The employment of Hanoi in 2010-2015. 
Each year Hanoi has jobs for over 137,000 workers respectively. Therefore, despite the difficult business of production, in 2013 the unemployment rate remained below 4.8%. 
Besides, Ha Noi has always focused on people's lives. Healthcare network in the city of science are arranged to ensure better health care for people's original one better. 100% of commune clinics, wards have doctors. The prevention of disease is concerned and effectively. 
In addition, Hanoi also actively implemented poverty reduction program in 2011-2015. Average annual town support around 16500-20000 households out of poverty, and, often poverty and improve the level of support. Accordingly, the poverty rate fell from 1.0 to 1.8% per year, until the end of 2013 was 2.55% with 59 365 households. Poverty line and some level of subsidy for social protection object is raised and higher than the national average. 
- One of the key issues in the development of Ha Noi, Ha Noi especially since the expansion in 2008, which is the problem of planning, infrastructure development, urban management. Hanoi and are implementing the above tasks like? 
Mr. Nguyen The Thao: In recent years, especially since the expansion of Hanoi, strategy formulation and planning were focused; technical infrastructure is concentrated investment in construction; urban management, environmental protection is enhanced; the urban and rural areas face increasing innovation. 
Specifically, the system of transport infrastructure, especially transportation projects are key priorities for resources and direct the implementation of drastic. Hanoi has been renovated and upgraded infrastructure, investment in building new constructions make capital increasingly face nicely. 
The gateway to the city expanded; many new routes as Hoang Quoc Vietnam, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dai Co Vietnam, Tran Khat Chan gave the appearance of modern streets. Many new roads were built according to highway standards. Public transport, especially bus rapid development. 
Following that success, the city is actively directing the implementation of the program to build infrastructure system synchronized to bring Vietnam to become an industrialized country by 2020 modern. 
Besides, Hanoi also focus on implementing the investment project to build new urban areas, social housing, commercial centers, large supermarkets, luxury office, modern hotel, ... contribute to meeting the needs of people and businesses at home and abroad. 
City interested in investing systems, drainage, water supply schemes are invested to expand, gradually building water supply network in urban and peri-urban areas. Sewer and wastewater treatment is enhanced, finished out the city drainage project phase 1, is implementing Phase 2; wastewater treatment system Yen, West Lake is focusing investment. city ​​also implemented active areas of solid waste disposal as South Son, Bac Son, Son Tay, Chuong My, Dan Phuong and so on. 
In particular, cities are particularly interested to invest in infrastructure development of agriculture and rural development. Hanoi has intensified investment budget for suburban districts, and make investments towards standardized transport infrastructure, irrigation, schools, hospitals and clinics. 
Up to now, Hanoi has finished deleting temporary classrooms, grade 4 classrooms; 100% of communes have roads to the commune office; cultural buildings, sports stadiums in many parts of the construction are spacious and clean. 
Two years of 2012-2013, the city held the installation of water treatment equipment 10,000 10,000 households in poverty policy and rural areas; 6 approved water supply project commune in Thanh Oai district, Thuong Tin, Me Linh Ung Hoa, Phu Xuyen and My Duc. 
- Hanoi is implementing several key projects have important implications for the development of socio-economic, he can assess the progress of these works, especially the works of 60-year anniversary capital liberation? The solution to the complete works on schedule and efficiently? 
Mr. Nguyen The Thao: Currently, the City People's Committee has focused drastically departments and agencies, investors implementation of key projects. Quarterly or upon request, the city People's Committee held briefings review the progress of implementation of the project and promptly remove difficulties in site clearance, balance and capital specific mechanisms to facilitate project implementation. In addition, the regulations, the text difficult to remove, flexible mechanisms capital city has been timely issued, apply to create favorable conditions for the implementation of key projects. 
In 37 projects, key ensembles with 55 component projects, with 20 projects urban transport sector, 9 drainage projects and 6 projects for agriculture and rural development. So far, the project has completed 7, 5 overpass project (at the intersections on roads Nam Hong Mai Dich-Noi Bai Nguyen Chi Thanh street intersections and Lang, intersections Le Van Luong-Lang , intersections Lang Ha-Thai Ha and Chua Boc-Thai intersections Ha); basically completed Ring Road 1 (O Cho Dua-Hoang Cau), Project on East Street Memorial Park Chu Van An. 
Actively accelerate the deployment of key projects such as clearance Ring Road 1 (O segment Eastern Marxist-Nguyen Khoái); Clearance 2 belts 2 (Crossroad stage-Vong; Vinh Tuy-Cho Mo-Vong); Construction and renovation Duc Giang Hospital; The 5 extended (Cau Chui-Phuong Dong Tru-Tse-Bac Thang Long); Expanding Complex Soc Son waste treatment (phase 2); Research centers and technology transfer and technological expertise in Hoa Lac ... 
It is expected that by the end of 2015, will complete 22 major projects, put to use, promote efficient investment. In addition, departments, districts, towns also focused on building leadership and many significant projects such as schools, hospitals is to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the liberation Prime capital. 
- The achievements are very encouraging but perhaps the pressure to strive for in the future. He can tell the direction and development tasks of economic capital in the next period? 
Mr. Nguyen The Thao: The location is the motive, and economic center of international trade, Ha Noi aims to maintain economic stability, control inflation, coupled with accelerating growth, protection ensuring sustainable economic development. 
Hanoi will also urban development and new rural construction in a comprehensive manner, civilized and modern Hanoi strives to be the leading local and finish early in the 1 to 2 years of industrialization, modernization, contributing to the successful implementation of the national goal to become an industrialized country by 2020 modern; increasingly important contribution to the innovation, construction and national defense. 
To achieve this objective, Hanoi strives economic growth (GDP) rose on average 7.0 to 7.5% 5 years from 2016 to 2020 / year (according to the new criteria); Ending poverty rate was about 1.5% / year. 
Besides, Hanoi effectively implement a master plan for economic restructuring associated with the development paradigm shift towards improving quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy; continue to promote implementation in developing breakthrough 3, which is perfecting the market economy socialist orientation, the focus is to create equal competition environment and administrative reform; rapid development of human resources, especially high-quality human resources, focusing on innovative and comprehensive basic education, closely linked to the development of human resources development and application of science and technology ; building infrastructure systems synchronized and modern. 
In the future, Hanoi will focus in drastically improving the investment environment and business, equality, openness and transparency, creating favorable conditions for production and business development for the enterprises of all economic sectors; mobilization and efficient use of resources and economic development of society. Besides, Ha Noi will organize effective resolutions and programs of infrastructure development, socio-cultural, science and technology according to Capital Act. 
- Thank you!
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