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Hanoi prioritizes study and talent development
Anh Kiet 16:18, 2023/07/15
Hanoi is always aware of the importance of promoting learning, nurturing talent, and building a learning society.

Hanoi will prioritize the promotion of study and talent and the development of a learning society, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung said at the meeting between the city government and the Vietnam Association for Study Promotion this week.

 Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung presides over the meeting. Photo: Thanh Hai/The Hanoi Times

"Hanoi has achieved all four basic goals of the Vietnamese Government's project to build a learning society in 2021-2030, many of which are higher than the national average," the official said. This has been one of the key highlights of Hanoi's development since its administrative boundary expansion 15 years ago.

Specifically, the literacy rate of people aged 15-60 reached 99.97% (the national average is 97.85%); 100% of cadres and officials participating in learning programs to improve information technology skills reached the national average is 93.89%; 50% of cadres and officials proficient in foreign languages 43.53% nationwide; and 100% cadres and officials meet requirements 94.22% nationwide.

Dung reiterated that Hanoi is always aware of the importance of giving top priority to promoting studies, nurturing talents, and building a learning society to strengthen leadership and mobilization of the city's political system.

According to Nguyen Thi Ngoc Minh, Chairwoman of the Hanoi Association for Study Promotion, 100% of the city's officials and public servants have been trained to meet the required standards. They are all participating in training programs to improve their information technology skills to meet the requirements of their positions. All educational institutions in Hanoi have applied information and digital technology in management, teaching, and learning activities to improve operational capacity.


Hanoi to review land fund to build more schools

As the number of schools in Hanoi cannot keep up with the growing population, Chairman of the Hanoi Municipal People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh has ordered districts to review land funds to build more schools.

In Hoang Mai, Bac Tu Liem and Nam Tu Liem districts, the number of students is increasing. In addition, many new residential areas have been developed in these districts in recent years, putting great pressure on the public schools in these areas.

Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh inspects the progress of construction of public schools meeting national standards at Tan Mai Primary and Secondary School and the slow progress of investment projects in Hoang Mai District. Photo: Gia Huy

"Hanoi's population has been increasing every year, and the relaxation of the residency law is one of the factors putting pressure on the city's education sector," the chairman said.

Describing Hoang Mai District as one of the "low-lying areas" in terms of educational facilities, Chairman Thanh stressed that the city authorities would focus on solving Hoang Mai's problem and support the district's educational development. He agreed with the proposal to allocate four plots of land for school construction by the district.

Nguyen Minh Tam, Chairman of the District People's Committee, reported on the progress of the construction of national standard public schools in Hoang Mai and said that the district is expected to complete 5 out of 16 projects in 2023, including Hoa Sua Kindergarten, Tan Mai Primary School, Tran Phu Primary School, Dinh Cong Secondary School, and Dai Kim Secondary School.

"By the end of 2022, Hoang Mai District had 59 schools, of which 41 met the national standard, reaching 69.5%. In the five-year plan from 2023 to 2025, the total number of public schools is expected to be 61, of which 49 schools will strive to meet national standards, reaching 80.3%," Tam said.

"It is recommended to speed up the progress of public schools through qualified investors," Tam added.

TAG: Vietnam news Hanoi news Hanoi\'s study and talent promotion
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