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Fatigued female doctors at psychiatric hospital
Ha Giang 12:09, 2016/03/09
The screaming, the laughing squealing suddenly, the shadow of the people going back and forth inanimately is what made me scarred when entering the premises of Hanoi Psychiatric Hospital.
As female as me, but the doctors, nursing women at the hospital considered it normal in everyday life. They stick to work, do not falter or give up. All is because of love with special patients.
Hospitality of Love
That is how Dr. Tran Thu Ha - deputy head of the department of women's acute, Hanoi Psychiatric Hospital often tells people when mentioning her workplace. Mrs. Ha said, patients who have to go to the psychiatric hospital are not normal anymore. They do not know their name and age, and when being asked by doctors, they just smile. "Their family cannot stand the pressure and harassment of a psychiatrist, so they bring those patients to hospital, so if there is no love here, the patients will have to live under the neglect of the society,"Mrs. Ha shared. In fact, there must be sincere love to those inanimate peopleso that a woman busy with two small children, home away from work to nearly 20 kilometers, receiving a monthly salary just more than 6 million VNDlike Ha can work here for nearly 10 years. Along with Ha, there are 17 women doctors and more than 200 women nurses at Hanoi Psychiatric Hospitalwho quietly take care of the health of these special patients every day.
Doctor of men's department, Hanoi Psychiatric Hospital for patients.
Doctor of men's department, Hanoi Psychiatric Hospital for patients.
Hospital officials closest to patients are nurses. Pham ThiHoa, the department of women's acute–has had 4 years of nursing at Hanoi Psychiatric Hospital. From professional work such as injecting, transfusing, giving medicine to patients, nurses like Hoa also feed patients, do haircut, make nail clipping, help patients take a bath and clean themselves. It is not a simple matter, patients are different from each other, some people have to be flattered, some people have to be warned, forced, etc. Being thrown a bowl of rice or beaten by anything is a small matter that any nurse can encounter, especially the new entrants. In Hoa's department, patients are all female. During the period of menstruation, some patients are a little awake enough to ask doctors forsanitary pad,but some are just newborns and do not know what it is. "There are many times patients are in menstruation, but they are in the blanket and refuseto leave, we have to mobilize 2, 3 other people  to pull them out to be washed," she shared.
Similarly, in the male's acute department, female nurses including unmarried women still have to take care of male patients daily, including personal bathing. When we were at the clinic, a sloppy male patient came out from the bathroom in a wet condition. Seeing this, a female nurse, who seemed to be so familiar with the work that she said a few sentences to the patient and took him to his room to change clothesunhesitantly. Dr. Nguyen QuangBinh, head of the department of men's acute atHanoi Psychiatric Hospital, said that only men and male nurses had been assigned to this department in the past but now the department has some more women doctors and nurses. In many cases, female doctors and nurses are in sexual harassment or threaten by patients, but they all regard it as occupational accidents. No one left just because of several times being threatened or cursed.
Profession chooses professional
Being so strenuous, but when asked, they have no regret at all. Vu Thanh Phuong – doctor of the department of men’s acute, has been worked at the hospital for 15 y ears. Phuong said most female doctors and nurses did not choose psychology in the university, but the profession chose them. Phuong graduated with a degree in general medicine, but after going to work for a while, she left for work at Hanoi Psychiatric Hospital. Phuong recalled, many people were surprised when she moved to work there, some people said she was crazy but she thought that patients were equally pitiful, people with psychiatric problems were more pitiful and needed more help.
Just because of being chosen, female doctors and nurses at Hanoi Psychiatric Hospitalhad to give up the negative words, even the laughs of people around for many times. Orunder everyday work of having to deal with mental illness patients, sometimes because too much pressure, they become irritated with husbands and children. However, despite negative words, trying to strike a balance between work and family life, the females there still do their silent but noble task day by day.
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